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Ban the Binder – Succession Planning Requires Technology

What seems like MANY years ago, while in my first corporate HR job, I was thrilled to be given the opportunity to lead the company’s succession planning process. In years past, succession planning had been a behind-the-scenes, secretive process but senior leaders were open to building a new process focused upon development. Wow – I was excited. What’s more, we created a powerful Microsoft Access tool to store the talent assessment data (albeit, I had to bring in temps to hand enter the assessment data that was collected on expensively printed surveys) and allowed us to search and track leaders across the company. We were at the fore front! I thought that I had at last seen the end of the Succession Planning Binder/s. Oh, how I was wrong.
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5 Tips to Realize New Year's Resolutions and Performance Goals

It’s mid-January….. have you kept your New Year’s resolutions?
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HR Technology makes Employee Performance Management SMARTT

The classic research on goal setting and motivation theory states that individuals are more likely to be motivated to perform by creating their own specific goals and working toward those performance goals while receiving feedback on their progress. This theory is summarized using the anagram, SMART, which means Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (also see our whitepaper: SMART Performance Goals).
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The Evolution of Employee Performance Management Technology

An Interview with Lead Developer, Yuriy Shikhanovich on the evolution of employee performance management technology. Once upon a time, in a dark corner cubicle, across from the fax machine and Goliath copier, sat a young bright-eyed intern sorting through stacks of paper and occasionally stopping to peck some data into Excel 3.1. She feverishly worked to enter the 360 degree feedback results into the spreadsheet so that she could begin analyzing the manager’s data.
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Crowdsourcing and Curating the Performance Evaluation Process

Human Resources has jumped on the crowdsourcing bandwagon - leveraging a unique form of the social phenomenon to create better Performance Evaluations. Crowdsourcing was originally coined by Wired Magazine in 2006 Wired and typically refers to businesses involving a community of anonymous people to achieve a particular task, collaborate on a specific project, or solve a challenging issue. Leveraging a crowd for business tasks that have traditionally only involved one or two employees has the benefit of enhancing decision-making and idea generation as diversified opinions, perspectives and expertise are contributed.
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Make the First Move in Succession Planning

The recent SHRM poll on succession planning has received a great deal of social media attention over the past few weeks.
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Summer Sampler: Pick Your Own Performance Management System

Every now and then I take a break from providing consulting and project management services to our clients and have the opportunity to speak to a prospective client who is in the market for a performance management system. It is truly a welcome opportunity as I have the chance to talk about the one-of-a-kind HR software systems we create for our clients. I have found that people are usually very pleasantly surprised, as all too often they are dealing with a less than optimal process that was compromised due to the limited capabilities of their current performance management software.
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Human Resource Software - When the CHRO and CIO Disagree

“When the elephants dance even the grass suffers”.
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