Amanda Seidler

Posts by Amanda Seidler

Top 10 Missteps Managers Make in Performance Review Meetings

Yes, we are in the heart of performance review time. Let’s take this time to remind ourselves and the managers within ou …

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3 min read
January 21, 2015

Building a Culture of Feedback Requires Performance Feedback Skills

Continuous, Open Performance Feedback is Becoming the Norm Gone are the days of the top-down, annual performance review. …

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3 min read
November 20, 2014

Feedback Now: We All Love Continuous Performance Feedback

Feedback Now: Because we all <3 spreading feedback What do you get when you cross the anonymity of 360 Feedback with …

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3 min read
June 12, 2014

Build a Better Performance Review - Integrate Multi-Rater Feedback

Build a Better Performance Review Integrating feedback from multiple raters (i.e., peers, direct reports, customers) in …

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3 min read
March 28, 2014

Performance Reviews for High Performers – 5 Tips for Managers

Time to Step Up Your Leadership Game Managers sometimes assume that top performers do not need as much feedback, coachin …

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3 min read
December 2, 2013

Be Thankful for Employee Performance Reviews

Although all of the performance review naysayers might have you believe that the general populace despises the practice …

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2 min read
November 25, 2013

Mid-Year Reviews – the New Annual Performance Appraisal?

#MidYearReview Don’t be surprised if you see the #MidYearReview hashtag trending on your Twitter screen. Mid-year perfor …

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3 min read
June 13, 2013

Virtual Performance Management: Lessons from Yahoo's Telecommuting Ban

The cyber revolt against Marissa Mayer’s telecommuting ban has been fast and furious. “Aren’t flexible working relations …

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4 min read
February 28, 2013

Performance Evaluation Season is Officially Closed!

Performance Feedback Fatigue? If all of those ratings, comment reviews, and one-on-one meetings have left you with a bad …

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3 min read
February 19, 2013

Can 360 Feedback Survive in the Social Performance Management World?

"Anonymous" seems to be a dirty word these days. The rise of social networking and media, along with fast and edgy compa …

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2 min read
February 11, 2013