1:1 Performance Check-In Meetings Drive Employee Performance

Google’s famous Project Oxygen study identified that the most important thing that managers can do to be successful is t …

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2 min read
September 27, 2016

Three Reasons Why Managers Avoid Performance Reviews

We all know that formal performance review discussions between managers and employees are just one component of an effec …

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3 min read
August 18, 2015

Top 10 Missteps Managers Make in Performance Review Meetings

Yes, we are in the heart of performance review time. Let’s take this time to remind ourselves and the managers within ou …

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3 min read
January 21, 2015

Building a Culture of Feedback Requires Performance Feedback Skills

Continuous, Open Performance Feedback is Becoming the Norm Gone are the days of the top-down, annual performance review. …

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3 min read
November 20, 2014

You Rock! - 5 Ways to Transform Positive Performance Feedback

The topic of delivering performance feedback typically focuses on how to provide constructive or critical feedback aimed …

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5 min read
July 11, 2014

Shining the Light on Bad Bosses

Bad Bosses Hide in Dark Corners Why do bad bosses seem to go undetected or acknowledged by everyone except those who wor …

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2 min read
June 26, 2014

Competency Model of a Bad Boss

The next time you have a moment to spare and have grown tired of reading online news and checking social media, do a sea …

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2 min read
June 23, 2014

Feedback Now: We All Love Continuous Performance Feedback

Feedback Now: Because we all <3 spreading feedback What do you get when you cross the anonymity of 360 Feedback with …

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3 min read
June 12, 2014

Product Feature Spotlight - 360 Feedback Focus Areas

viaPeople's 360 Degree Feedback Solution Makes It Easy to Identify Strengths and Development Needs One of the benefits o …

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1 min read
June 9, 2014