Product Feature Spotlight - 360 Feedback Focus Areas

1 min read
June 9, 2014

viaPeople's 360 Degree Feedback Solution Makes It Easy to Identify Strengths and Development Needs

One of the benefits of the 360 degree feedback process, whether used to support development or as a part of the formal performance evaluation, is the opportunity for individuals to gain new insight into their key strengths and opportunities for improvement.

360 degree feedback reports contain a great deal of information for the individual to digest and analyze. The clear identification of strengths and development needs can be tricky, even with the assistance of an experienced coach. Competency averages, behaviors, frequencies, comments...which data are most important in creating a plan of action?

viaPeople's team of Industrial Organizational Psychologists has designed a feature that highlights the most important feedback on strengths and development needs. This feature is called Focus Areas and it offers Reviewers the opportunity to rate individuals on competencies and behaviors then easily highlight the individual's top 3-5 strengths and 3-5 development needs based upon the pattern of ratings provided. Here is how it works:

Reviewers rate all competencies/behaviors and are presented with all of their feedback in rank order, from the highest rated behaviors to the lowest rated behaviors.

Reviewers simply click to select the individual's top 3-5 Strengths and 3-5 Development Needs.

360 feedback

Data from all Reviewers are aggregated in the 360 feedback report, allowing individuals to see the number of times specific behaviors were cited as a Strength and Development Need.  This feature enables both the reviewer and the person receiving feedback more clarity abd ease of intepreting the feedback results as they relate to Strengths and Development needs.

 360 degree feedback

Focus Areas provide individuals with a clear place to start in interpreting their 360 feedback data. Click below to see how it works for yourself. Take a look!

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