How to Conquer Zombies and Execute on SMART Performance Goals

2 min read
October 31, 2011
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Feel like you are surrounded by zombies?

Most professionals can relate to the struggle to remain relevant and achieve performance goals when surrounded by ghosts, goblins and zombies on a daily basis. While trying to survive the apocalypse or just trying make a contribution to the success of your orgnaization, these guidelines to employee performance management can help us all in surviving under scary conditions.

S - Supplies – Secure necessary tools and resources. In order to be successful, individuals need to make sure they have the right tools. Most organizations have resources available in training and development, but individuals can find their own courses, reference materials, or programs to help them achieve their performance goals. Managers can help their direct reports to assemble the right set of tools buy guiding them to required resources and providing support along the way.

M - Marksmanship – Always have a target. Avoid wasting time with distractions and false starts. Individuals who take the time to think through what they are trying to achieve, how they are going to do it, and what success looks like are more likely to meet their performance goals than individuals who do not. It is important to create milestones that can measure success to ensure the individual is on target.

A - Attack – Give 100% effort. When deciding to take on a goal, especially if it is something that is difficult to change and requires a lot of work, make the commitment. Goal milestones and time lines can be adjusted along the way, but it is important to stay on course. We should encourage managers to provide feedback and encouragement on a regular basis to keep motivation and commitment levels high.

R - Run - Anticipate possible setbacks and take a new path if necessary. The best way to not get hung up on bumps in the road is to plan for obstacles. We are all less likely to be thrown off course if we have thought through what might go wrong in achieving performance goals.  When we hit a bump in the road we can run to the alternative plan versus stall.

T - Talent Management – Build a good team. Individuals who surround themselves with a supportive professional network are more likely to achieve their performance goals. Mentors and coaches provide invaluable information and support every step of the way to ensure execution and success.

I hope that you have a fabulous Halloween!  Celebrate by sharing some helpful employee performance management resources with your team today. Take a few minutes to download my Whitepaper on SMART Performance Goal Setting.

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